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Have you already filmed your project?  Don't quite know how to edit it all together?


There is a bit involved when putting together sometimes hours of footage into a two minute video project. Luckily that is what ninety percent of my work is.


How it works.

I send you a link to upload your video files to Google Drive, you upload your files and include a brief (a template brief is in the folder as a guide) .

I edit your clips together with your logos, lower third name titles, watermark and even music. I send it back through VimeoPro for you to review. You can then add any changes to the first version and send it back. I then complete the changes and submit the project back and forth until you are happy with the final product.


Upon approval a link will be sent to the final High Res video which you can share, download and upload to whatever and wherever you like. If you require another format such as a USB or DVD that can be arranged.


I keep all of clients original projects backed up on HDD for six months in case you need changes down the track to your project.


Rate base guide. $300.

A basic video with a good brief includes adjustments to colour, audio levels, intro title, lower third, watermark, outro sting and a music track with two rounds of changes.


Subtitles and voice overs.

Subtitles can be added, either burnt and/or supplied as an srt file for an extra $10 dollars p/minute.

Voice over services can also be supplied if you need a narrative dialogue to your video,  costs for these vary per project. A quote can be supplied on request.


Commercial TVCs for television broadcast.

TVCs require a few additional steps and costs for submission. First is submitting to FreeTV for content approval for Australian standards. The second is through Adstream which sends the video through to the networks. Costs vary for SD, HD, turnaround times and the number of network stations which you use to air your commercial. For e.g a submission to one network in HD format with a standard turnaround time is $350+ edit and filming costs. Please allow a week before airtime to get approval from CAD and submissions sent. It is up to the client to organise bookings with the networks.


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